Locate Work Order Form
The Locate Work Order Form shows the required information needed before contacting OHIO811.
Download and print a copy of the form.
If assistance is needed to complete the form, hover over each field for helpful tips.

What is your daytime phone number?
What is an additional contact phone number (cell #)?
Your Full Name
Provide a company name that you work for when applicable.
Provide the address of the company that you work for when applicable.
The provided email address will receive a copy of your submitted notification.
Provide the onsite contact persons name/phone number for when applicable.
The County in which the excavation will take place.
Actual city or township the excavation takes place in (not mailing address).
Give a street address or if no address is given a street name.
Full description of dig area. At Address: Entire Property, Front, Sides or Rear. Location: What side of the road and starting and ending point.
The farthest footage and direction the excavation will take place off the roadway.
If applicable: Lot , Unit, Apartment or building number or numbers of your notification site, i.e. 2-6 or A-C.
If applicable: Name of the subdivision that your notification site is located within.
Provide the street names that the address or location is between or near.
Provide footage and direction from a near street when between streets are not available.
Keep in mind, you should contact OHIO811 at least 48 hours but no more than ten working days, excluding weekends and legal holidays before commencing excavation.
For complete details refer to Ohio Revised Code: 3781.28 (A)
Keep in mind, you should contact OHIO811 at least 48 hours but no more than ten working days, excluding weekends and legal holidays before commencing excavation.
For complete details refer to Ohio Revised Code: 3781.28 (A)
Please fully explain what type of work you are doing.
NOTE: These are NOT considered valid work types: ‘Digging’, ‘Excavating’, ‘Hole’, ‘Trenching’.
The company the excavator is working for, other than yourself—if for yourself leave blank.
Ohio Law requires the person/company doing the excavation must have a reference number in their name in order to be covered under law to excavate.
Type of equipment being used to perform excavation. Common types of equipment can be selected from the auto-populated menu or typed in manually.
Using explosives to perform the excavation. If you are using explosives at the dig location it is very important you state this on your request!
It is recommended that you follow the law which states if you are not able to give a precise location then you should mark your proposed dig area in white. For complete details refer to Ohio Revised Code: 3781.27-3781.29
If you would like to request the member facility owners to meet you on site.
Digging at or along railroad tracks or crossing.
If you are digging along a Highway.
Highways are considered to be only:
- State Routes (S R)
- US Routes (U S)
- Interstates (I)
- Turnpike (Ohio Tpke)
If you are digging along a Railroad or Highway and you know the mile markers you will be working from or to you may add that to your entire work area description.
Use this area for any additional notes you may want to add to your entire work area description or to write down the list of member facility owners that are going to be notified on your dig notification request.
You will receive a reference number as proof of your dig notification request. Keep it for the duration of your excavation or longer when applicable.