Excavation work in Ohio is a lot safer thanks to the standard marking system. A joint effort between OHIO811, excavators, facility locators, and facility owners statewide, this universal marking system offers a host of benefits:

    • Increases safety for the general public
    • Decreases injury rate among workers
    • Protects the underground infrastructure and the environment
    • Eliminates guesswork — less downtime and loss of revenue for excavators and facility owners

Additionally, Ohio Revised Code 3781.29 (C) states, All underground facilities shall be marked in accordance with the Ohio universal marking standards that are on file with the Ohio Utilities Protection Service.

Click on the links below to find important information about Ohio’s Universal Marking Standards. You may print this information or attend an Ohio Damage Prevention Council or Utility Coordinating Council meeting in your area for copies of each item listed.

If you are an underground facility owner in the state of Ohio, and the code you use to identify your underground facilities is not listed, please provide that code to OHIO811 by emailing us at web@oups.org.

Once provided, your company code will be posted, and workers in your area will know it is your facility they are excavating near.

Excavators, print this list and keep it handy. It is your key to underground facility owner identification. This list is updated often, so check back frequently.

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