Ticket Search
Ticket Search is a program that is available to OHIO811 members that track tickets received for their specified member codes and excavators to search for old tickets they have entered.
Ticket Search is available in three different formats; from a downloadable executable, via the internet or through the OHIO811 App.
All options for Ticket Search are password protected. The live server gives the user the capability to search in 31-day increments with 3 months of tickets and the Long Term Server (LTS) goes back 7 years. The user has the ability to view and or print out the ticket with or without a map of the notification area.
If you are an interested OHIO811 member, please send an email to it@oups.org, include your company name (member code if a member), phone number and a username/password you would like to use to access the system.
If you are not an OHIO811 member you will need to contact the center directly at 811 or 800-362-2764 for assistance.